Upcoming Training Opportunities
Visit https://www.emergency.msstate.edu/trainings for upcoming training opportunities.
University Emergency Guidelines Training
This one-hour presentation will cover all hazards that face Mississippi State University. We will discuss ways to prevent, prepare for, and respond to each of these hazards. Participants are encouraged to ask questions or share their concerns.
What To Do: Active Shooter Response Training
Presented by the MSU Police Department, this practical lecture session will cover what you need to do during an active threat situation. The online version of this training is available on the MSU Portal (Login required). For questions about scheduling this training, please contact the Mississippi State University Police Department at 662-325-2121.
FEMA ICS (Incident Command System) Courses
FEMA courses are provided to appropriate responders as needed. This includes ICS-100HE, ICS-200, IS-700, and IS-800. These courses are available online: https://training.fema.gov/nims/, but you may contact Natasha Cundy at natasha.cundy@msstate.edu for asssistance.
Recognizing and Reporting Workplace Violence
This presentation will provide Mississippi State University Faculty & Staff with ways to identify the warning signs and indicators of workplace violence. Training covers prevention strategies as well as ways to respond. The training is followed by a Q&A session.
Building Your Emergency Kit
Are you and your family prepared for an emergency? This presentation will discuss the items that should be included in your personal and family emergency kit. Content lists and example kits will be available for review. For information on these courses or to schedule training for your department, please contact Emergency Management at 662-325-4521 or brent.crocker@msstate.edu